I'm from every laugh you can hear
From every curl in my hair
From every sign into the dark
From every hope I belonged
Sunlight, dream on
Fallen stars and blue sky
I'm from the lyrics in the songs
From the tone of your voice
From the sweet smile on every face
From every child running free
Lollipops and chocolate chips
Colorful balloons and flying kiss
I'm from cold nights and warm hugs
Strawberry swings and dandruff field
Flying kite and singing birds
Close friends and inside jokes
I'm from every wave in the sea
Shells, sands and
Fairy tales and mermaids
From every shadow of wonder
million fireflies and every rain drop
From every tear went free
Broken heart and silent moments
From every mistake with grace
Memories, priceless pictures and diaries
From every word written beautifully
I'm from every "I love u" that took my breath away
I'm from every detail that made me in love with you.
Idea taken from ~"Tabitha Bir"
And her awesome blog: http://tabithabird.blogspot.com/