I don’t know why people think too much before showing a sign of love!! Terrified of rejection maybe? Or anxious of not receiving back the same love? But the whole point is to love and later for sure you will be loved by someone or everyone throw it at the world and it will come back to you in a way or another! To love is more effortless than most people imagine it could be just a smile or a caring touch! I heard before "tried too successfully" that when you pick up the phone for someone you like you have to SMILE they will hear it in your voice and it will send a message to their brain that you're happy enough to hear their voice and enjoy one hell of good conversation! Simple and easy but people used to forget those petite details...which actually make the different in life so then life become hollow and alike ..
a friend of mine which I miss really dearly told me before that love is an ability differ from human to another in which I absolutely agree .. In that case having an ability means you have the skills to grow! It can be bigger for sure stronger and more creative!
So expand your love ability, the world need your love you were born with it! So why not use it!! Give a face lift for someone today :)
P.S : small things can really save people out there check it out !