Its boys vs. Jeans
- Well jeans can't play play station all the time and forget all about you.
- Jeans are always there for you when you need them unless they gone to be washed
- If you get bored with your jeans, you can just go out and buy new one that you like more.
- You can exchange jeans if they are not right for you and no one get hurts.
- Jeans don’t have mean friends who talk bad about you.
- Also you can change your jeans every single day and no judge you or call you a bad names.
- New pair of jeans always makes you feel good.
- You can share jeans with your mates ...but I guess you can't share her boy friend: D.
- Jeans can go with everything.
- You don’t get so blushed in front of a pair of jeans.