They say that pictures worth thousand words, but sometimes one word can turn into knifes blades and break million hearts.
Words can hurt … words aren't just letters sticking to each other …it's our simplest and most powerful tool of all time!!
Yet we forget how powerful they are!! We spill lot very hurting uncaring words to our very special ones!!
I really don't know what to say I'm out of words, out of pain, out of world I don't know why people became very rude and uncaring as if forgiveness and love doesn't excess anymore ! Somehow somewhere in life their light inside their heart has turned off...there eyes have been folded; they carve scares with their words in our souls and turn their back to us!! Dose any one care any more about someone's happiness?
I believe that the little things that make life great and with a little word and a smile you can bright someone's life… one of my wishes before I die to draw a smile on very face I have ever met in my life… to make a different to this world no matter what happened no matter how bad life is!! I will not lose my soul my kindness and my forgiveness.
I met lot of people in my life most of them tried to convinces me so hard that forgiveness is very week thing when you forgive so easily so quickly you lose it, but
I believe deeply that forgiveness is the most powerful thing a human can do!!