Remember the first 8 months of your relations???
They were so fun so amazing that you can't forget
The sweet feeling you shared and every single hour "I love you and I miss you" texting and the talking all night long.
Well when time goes by things disappears because of the routine and boredom which is number one couples break up. So how can you spices things up again and make your love life more exciting???
It's not easy to bring everything back so quickly but it worth the effort.
Always search for new things …
Don’t hang out at the same place every single outing
I know lots of memory and all of that but a new place will have new memories and lots of fun too.
Plan a whole day like old days and do everything you love to do together or Go on trip…
It's so important from time to time to go on trip …have time to focus on each other… have a long walk or talk :D remind each other why you like each other in the first place…so refreshing for the relation.
It doesn’t matter how many dates you have been on…look your best or wear something new so he/she will sees you in new fresh way…make every date special that's number one key to very happy relation.
Let's do it!!!
Go learn new things together like play sport together it show the competitive side of both of you plus its lots of fun.
Go for dancing classes together. If you like drawing then head to anywhere where you can draw freely and try to draw each other that will be so funny. Go for karaoke night and sing for each other and make it embarrassing as much as you can: D.
Start a project (or think of one LOL)
It's great to see each other working for the same aim
Make you grow stronger and learn plus you will share passion. Me my self love to share my ideas with my partner lo 7ata 7aga most7el he /she will be glad to share such a dream
Little things always matter the most…if he/she is having a long day surprise him/her by a small message with lovely words or even a short call. Just remind them that you are thinking of him/her.
Take it's slowly
It helps the relation to be alive for much longer time and make it much special for every step, it's like we have something to look forward to and not like
Been there and there … ah and there too… done that.
Don’t ever never forget a birthday or anniversary or even say we have been together for so long so whatever forget about it that ruin the relationship.
2aywa keda ya wadieeee3 =PPP
ReplyDeleteI heart you darlin xx
i heart u even more :D XD